On goodness, trust and community in business.

2 min readFeb 9, 2021

2020 saw an opportunity to lend a helping hand to an area in need. We, my co-founders and I had some time — we had the experience and we had the desire, so we thought why not. The truth was that we never sat down and planned to create a business out of this, but it seemed there were other plans in place for us here at Co-lab Pantry.

What initially was indeed an idea and a temporary solution saw Co-lab Pantry grow from 0–1000 in the space of 2 weeks. Working 20 hour days, and pushing to do all that we could, turned out to be a project and assignment like nothing we had ever achieved before. Over 150 amazing brands, 1000 products across the platform and working on some insane partnerships in the space of 7 months.


Now today, we’re working with some of the best people in the industry through goodness, trust, and community. So many have approached us, wanting to find a way to work together, and that’s so much more then any transaction.

Running a business is tough. It by any means is no walk in the park. But some how with lack of sleep, being malnourished (how ironic) and losing our minds, we keep on keeping — mostly because of those we work with.

In my short time and working experience, I’ve learnt that you can work as hard and long, day in and out — but it makes it so very much more worth while when you’re doing it for good. For and with good people (the most important!!), an incredible community and genuine nature.

Although we found ourselves running a so called business, we’ve never left sight of our why and our morals.

Thank you to everyone who has been on this journey so far. For the advice, the time and the support. Those who believed in this thing when it was just a thought, those that believe in us as individuals and ache to be a part of the journey in any way.

2020, you were a year and a half (we’re still recovering). 2021, we’re just getting started.

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a collation of words based on thoughts and surroundings, of no particular genre.